Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Colombia teaching day 3

We concluded our time with the teachers by doing a day long session. They are so eager, willing to learn and appreciative. We were honored to be with them. Whether we were playing games, singing, repeating or doing charades, they were learning. This day we focussed on pronouns, food and conversation. We even sang some worship songs together. Our team feels deeply touched by our Colombian brothers and sisters.

Lord richly bless their efforts in serving children in Barranquilla.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

teaching day 1

Day one of teaching began with Lori teaching everyone how to use Bel-viz-X balls. This activity helped break the ice with our students. The day was filled with learning English basics with Zoo phonics, colors, the days of the week and the months of the year. Througout the language learning was intentional teaching strategies. Our hope is that these teachers will improve in their English and be able to repicate the teachi g strategies with their students.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

More than sticky!

Today we attended  a church service at the Rose of Sharon
was awe.some worshipping with the people here, and even though we don't all know the language, we discussed how God knows ourhearts are worshipping Him, even if we are stumbling through the words.
It is very hot here and for some of us that was very uncomfortable, but we are blessed to have a great place to come back to to relax and cool down.
Everyone we have encountered here has welcomed us warmly. We toured the school and went to lunch at the Pastor's house. They have all taken great care of us and we are all really enjoying our time here so far.
The most challenging part of today for most of us was the fact that it was so hot and
sticky that we had sweat dripping down our backs. We kept saying that it has been hot in  Michigan but really it is much hotter and stickier here. You really don't know what it is like until you get here. I think there are a lot of things in life like that. God is calling you to do something that you're scared of, or you think its going to be one way and you find out later that it is totally different than you thought. Whether good or bad, He has gone before you and wants you to trust Him and follow His plan. In this case yes, its hot, but the people, the children, the realization of a calling you know has been given by Him, far outweigh a little discomfort.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Arrival in Colombia

We all arrived safely in Colombia.  As soon as we stepped off of the plane the hot thick humid air greeted us. We are praising God for getting us through the airport without any mishaps. We were reminded that everything was taken care of for us by our Heavenly Father.  He knows what plans He has for us!  Jeremiah 29:11-13
We will focus on this every day!

The team is settling in at Casa de Encuentro. It is beautiful, warm and inviting, they are t
reating us very well. Tomorrow  we have the privilege of worshipping together with Jose and Marta. Kevin will be preaching as the message is translated.

Isaiah 26:8 For His name and His renown

The Journey begins

You are invited to join us on a missions journey, June 23-30, 2012. Our team will be working alongside of I.N. Network at the La Rosa de Saron (the Rose of Sharon) school in Barranquilla, Colombia.

Approximately 450 local students attend this school. They receive an excellent education with medical attention, nutritious meals, footwear and clothing. 

Many students live in modest homes with dirt floors, no electricity or water. In their community the unemployment looms around 80% with the majority of homes being maintained by single mothers. This is who we will be sharing with, loving on and being Christ to! We are so excited to see what God does in, through and in spite of us!

A daily update and Prayer guide can be found at Corinth Missions

We are counting on your prayers throughout this trip, so please pray us up! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Colombia Trip

We are off to Colombia on June 23, 2012. We will update the blog as often as we can during our time there. Check out the prayer guide page and join us by praying.  This is going to be a wonderful time with the teachers and our team.