Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Guatemala Extreme Home makeover - part uno

Manuela and her mother and two daughters live in the mountain region of Chichicastenango. They shared an adobe house with their sisters family. Manuela makes little hacky sack balls that are knitted with different colors and filled up with beans. She makes about 2 quetzales per hacky sack (it is about 8 quetzales to a dollar) and that gives her the money she needs to help feed her family.

Pray America works with community leaders and Pastors in this region to identify the widows that are in need of a home and Manuela was selected. Our team from Corinth arrived with some Pray America staff and carried tools down a valley to the site where we worked to build this simple structure. Some of our team pampered Manuela and the girls with shoes and a pedicure while others were helping to build her a new home. 

Starting to build Manuela's home

Ken, Kevin H. and Ben putting up a wall

Sharon painting nails with Manuela's girls

Trying on new shoes! 

Tammy trying to get a smile! 

Kevin dedicates the house to the Lord

Kique teaches the family how to use the water filter


  1. I love what you all are doing there. You are in my prayers. God is using you in mighty ways!!

    Blessings to you,
    Beth Porter

  2. I so want to do this some time. Have drill will travel:)

  3. Looks like you are having an amazing experience. We will continue to pray each day as you go out to bless all those around you and they bless you as well!! What a great opportunity it is to be able to share Gods love to all those you meet!

    God Bless
    Brad and Tonya DeVries

    P.S. Reed says he loves you mommy and daddy :)

  4. So thankful that you are sharing your gifts with Tammy and the families in Chi Chi. What a blessing you are to each family. Can't wait to hear how the trip is especially the blessing of the water filters to the families. What a time saver these will be for them. Did you make the beds too?


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